Oct 29, 2023Liked by Steph Welstead

I really enjoyed this. I liked, "If you feel like you’re stuck in perpetual (re)design or branding mode, my best tip is to start simple and allow space for your ideas to evolve." I have allowed this more myself. I'm another one of those "got to know it all first, have it all lined up, figured out, then I will spring it." But I don't know it all, nothing is lined up, and the clock is ticking. So, I gave myself permission to just share. Do it wrong and not all the strategies or hashtags or whatever the heck, and I'm starting to just share what I've been making. I've started the easy way... I'm sharing what I make on my graphic design job. It shows that I can do stuff. Next, I made an account for my art. Next, I share on there. I have a note app with bits that I've collected to figure out about "Pillars of social media" "creating a mission statement" "optimizing hashtags", "designing a website" etc. And, I'll get there, or I won't. In the meantime, I started sharing. Imperfect and all.

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I enjoyed this even before I realised I got a super lovely mention - thank you! Love the way you’ve talked about uprooting too soon vs leaving things to seed and germinate. And you’re absolutely right - sometimes we are just avoiding doing what’s necessary. Looking forward to part two!

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